Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is siren's name in Greek mythology?

I think it is from Jason and the Argonauts.

What is siren's name in Greek mythology?
The numbers and names of the sirens are inconsistent in classical mythology.

Homer mentions two Sirens, but only names one, Himeropa ("arousing face"). Elsewhere, there was said to be three Sirens - Thelchtereia ("enchantress"), Aglaope ("glorious face"), and Peisinoe ("seductress").

In Italy, they were named Parthenope ('virgin"), Leucosia ("white goddess"), and Ligeia ("bright-voiced").

It was prophesied when any ship was able to sail past their island without succumbing to the sweet song, the Sirens would leap into the sea and drown.

The Argonauts were accompanied by the god Orpheus and sailed past in the ship Argo. Orpheus was able to drown out their singing with his music so that only one man, Butes (some accounts say his name was Eryx), heard them and leapt overboard. The goddess Aphrodite loved Butes and saved his life.

I hope this answer your question,

Reply:Perhaps you are thinking of Odysseus (Ulysses), sailing home to Greece from the Trojan Wars, rather than Jason?

Odysseus encountered the sorceress Circe, who turned men to pigs on her island (except for Ulysses, of course).

He was indeed tempted by the Sirens, but the really memorable name was Circe.


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