Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What is the name of the Greek mortal that pushed the rock up the mountain everyday?

Sisyphus - was a king punished in the underworld by being set to roll a huge rock up a hill throughout eternity.

What is the name of the Greek mortal that pushed the rock up the mountain everyday?
Reply:That was sisyphus. It was his pounishment ofr attmepting to trick and decieve the gods. Before he died he instructed his wife not toe perform the proper burial rites for someone of his stature (He was the king of of Ephyra (Corinth). Then he arrived in the underword as a beggar he persuaded the Queen of the underdworld, Persephone, that his wife was neglectful and she sent him back to rectify the situation. Once back home he refused to return. He was eventually carried back by Hermes. As punishment for his trickery he was sentenced to roll a huge stone up a hill with the undestanding that his punishment would end when he got it to the top and over to the other side. However, everytime he comes close to the top, it slips out of his grasp and rolls back to the bottom again, forcing him to start over.

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