Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Is there a real name for Greek religion? What did the Greeks call there religion?

You know, like people who belive in Christ are call Christions-

Is there a real name for Greek religion? What did the Greeks call there religion?
It is perhaps misleading to speak of "Greek religion." In the first place, the Greeks did not have a term for "religion" in the sense of a dimension of existence distinct from all others, and grounded in the belief that the gods exercise authority over the fortunes of human beings and demand recognition as a condition for salvation. The Greeks spoke of their religious doings as "ta theia" (literally, "things having to do with the gods"), but this loose usage did not imply the existence of any authoritative set of "beliefs." Indeed, the Greeks did not have a word for "belief" in either of the two senses familiar to us. Since the existence of the gods was a given, it would have made no sense to ask whether someone "believed" that the gods existed. On the other hand, individuals could certainly show themselves to be more or less mindful of the gods, but the common term for that possibility was "nomizein", a word related to "nomos" ("custom," "customary distribution," "law"); to nomizein the gods was to acknowledge their rightful place in the scheme of things, and to act accordingly by giving them their due. Some bold individuals could nomizein the gods, but deny that they were due some of the customary observances. But these customary observances were so highly unsystematic.
Reply:Well people from greek times typically had one specific God they were more devoted to and therefore called something in accordance with that.

For example the greek god Dionysus - his followers were called Satyrs (boys) and Maenids (girls) - they would perform at festivals in his honor. These would becomet the first actors. Well i mean girls weren't aloud to perform only men but men would dress up like women being maenids.

And actually Pagan is really hard to define - its a broad term mostly accepted as meaning 'not christian'. So saying they're pagan really isn't...specific at all.
Reply:The ancient Greeks did not have a name for their religion as religion and life was so intertwined it is very much like giving a specific name for one's daily activity. At best it was called nomos arkhaios.

However with the rise of Christianity the ancient Pagans had to find a name to call themselves .. and that was when the term Hellenismos was coined. It was in fact coined by Julian the Blessed, the last Pagan Emperor.

If you are interested in Hellenismos, these are a few places that you can go to:-

Hellenism:- ( it has a community group on yahoo ) ( Hellenic, Egyptian and Roman group but but has plenty of article on Hellenismos and has a strong Hellenic community on its groups ) ( resource but a very big community in the yahoo chatroom ) ( forum, blog ) ( Greece based )
Reply:Depends whether you're talking Hellenic Greeks, or the Greeks AD. Of course, many of the modern day Greeks have fallen into other religions, but at one time, they were among the most fervent adherents to the Christian faith, as many still are.

What are they called? Christians. Although many follow the Eastern Orthodox path of the Catholic Church, and that's what they're called: Eastern Orthodox.

Catholic, by the way, means 'of the people.' and applies to both branches of the church, which split when the Romans decided to elevate their leader, or Pope, to semi-divine status. The Eastern branch, headquartered in Constantinople, objected, and split the sheets.

And, as I mentioned, they are also Christians. There's lots of us, with lots of different methods of worshiping, but all believe in the Christ.
Reply:in Greek is Christianismos

and to be more specific sometimes is called Orthodoxia (Ortodoxy)

the old religion,with the gods is called Dodekatheismos (12gods)
Reply:Their religious type was polytheism, but the Greeks themselves had little to define between the world of men and the world of gods. Sectarian concepts were yet emerge.
Reply:I don't think the ancient Greeks had a name for their religion or for themselves as followers, but today I think it's called Hellenic Reconstructionism.
Reply:Greeks all followed different gods and took names based upon the God they followed. I do not know of an official "Greek Religion."
Reply:Is it now referred to paganism or Wicca. The religion Wicca still worships the Gods and the Goddesses
Reply:I believe they had many gods (see Acts chapter 10). Today many Greeks are Greek Orthodox Christians.

Reply:The same name Christianity will have in 20 to 30 years ......

Reply:I think it's mythology. I don't know.
Reply:I have a friend who is greek Orthodox. Grecian is not a religion if that's what you're thinking.

Reply:They were called pagans.

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